
Which pair of figures shows a dilation With a scale factor of 1 1/2?

Accepted Solution

Answer: QRS and TRUStep-by-step explanation:A dilation of 1 + 1/2 means that the second image is (1 + 1/2) times the lenght of the first one.for this, you can chek with one of the sides of the triangles:with the triangles QRS and TRU we have that the line RS has a lenght of 2 units, then the lenght of the RU must be 1 and 1/2 times that lenght:RU = (1 + 1/2)*2 = 2 + 1 = 3 unitsand we can see in the grap that the segment RU has a lenght of 3 units, so this is a dilation with a scale factor of 1 + 1/2For the other 3 options we can see that in the top left one bot triangles are equal, and in the bottom two the dilation is witha scale factor of 2.