
Which of the following are solutions to the equation 3x2 + 7x + 4 = 0Select all that applyO x=-1O x=-4/3x=3/4x=1

Accepted Solution

For this case we have the following quadratic equation:[tex]3x ^ 2 + 7x + 4 = 0[/tex]Where:[tex]a = 3\\b = 7\\c = 4[/tex]According to the quadratic formula we have:[tex]x = \frac {-b \pm \sqrt {b ^ 2-4 (a) (c)}} {2 (a)}[/tex]Substituting:[tex]x = \frac {-7 \pm \sqrt {7 ^ 2-4 (3) (4)}} {2 (3)}\\x = \frac {-7 \pm \sqrt {49-48}} {6}\\x = \frac {-7 \pm \sqrt {1}} {6}\\x = \frac {-7 \pm1} {6}[/tex]We have two roots:[tex]x_ {1} = \frac {-7 + 1} {6} = \frac {-6} {6} = - 1\\x_ {2} = \frac {-7-1} {6} = \frac {-8} {6} = - \frac {4} {3}[/tex]Answer:[tex]x_ {1} = - 1\\x_ {2} = - \frac {4} {3}[/tex]